2024 High School Workouts that Work

Will's Hills High School Program:
will start on Wednesday June 3rd, 2024 at 7:15am

High School Schedule 2024

Sessions: Each Monday, Wednesday, Friday
From Monday June 3rd thru Friday June 28th at 7:15am-8:30am

Wills Hills HighSchool Wills Hills HighSchool Wills Hills HighSchool Wills Hills HighSchool Wills Hills HighSchool

High School Summer Session


See Photos and Video from previous Summer Sessions

So you want to be a better athlete, run faster, get stronger? By working out this Summer with a group of athletic young adults like yourself, you will not only get faster but also become less prone to injury. Will's Hills High School Program can provide the foundation for your success!

Our main objective is to help you improve your fitness level; whether your sport involves short bursts of speed (track, football, lacrosse, soccer, etc.) or longer steady pace running (cross country). Houston Summers' are hot and grueling; without a structured plan and a positive peer group, it's easy to let yourself get out of shape. Then, in August, you have to start all over again. It takes many hot and frustrating weeks to get back to your previous level of fitness, urrrgg!

Will's Hills is your partner in building and maintaining a solid running foundation with a variety of workouts. If you are looking to get not only faster, but stronger too, this is the place to run during the summer.

We help you develop stamina, strength and speed; encouraging not only running fitness but total body fitness. Will's Hills has a lightly competitive environment, that uses hill and speed work, tempo runs, repeats, distance training, plyometrics and calisthenics to help you reach your fitness goals. Workouts also include push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, stretching and more. The complete workout usually takes a bit over 1 hour. Our job is to help you get in shape and have fun too.

Download the Registration Application below and sign up today.  If you are under 18 years of age one of your parents must sign the waiver form too.

Will's Hills Printable/Mailable Application

Will's Hills (Adults & Highschool) Release Form

Will Henderson

Will Henderson

Will Henderson is the founding member of Will's Hills and has been coaching for over 21 years.  He is CPR and AED trained.  He has been involved in the running community for well over 25 years and has over 80 Marathons as well as 100's of other races to his credit.

  Brett hervat

Brett Hervat

Brett Hervat has over 20+ years of coaching experience and is Red Cross, CPR and AED certified. 
